The modern day highly globalised world is still seeking answers to the problem of freight delays disrupting the smooth functioning of the global supply chain. Freight delays are caused due to a number of reasons and unfavourable weather conditions are the most common reason for it. Extraordinary situations like the pandemic wreaked havoc on the global supply chain. A freight delay due to an obvious cause is neglected as the inevitable and nothing is done to alter the status quo. A proactive logistic department head could do wonders in such a scenario if he had applied predictive analytics to find alternative shipping routes. Logistic firms should encourage brainstorming sessions to come up with ideas to solve matters before they arise

There are numerous loopholes in the supply chain system which delay freights even when conditions are favourable and the main culprit behind it is obsolete data. Logistic data is scattered across various sections of an organisation and the lack of coordination inside the organisational structure makes data management a tedious process. Accurate data analytics can help a company to track freights in real time, review the performance of vendors, clear audits etc. Freight data visibility  is a requisite for the smooth operation of supply chains. Tech giants of the world are rapidly investing in Artificial Intelligence and it is touted to make accurate predictions of logistics and enhance their performance. Integration of different transportation networks and the development of infrastructure throughout the world will help to break the shackles of freight delayment.